Wednesday, June 2, 2010

JD's Broken Month

Most of you already know through my facebook account that JD broke his femur at the beginning of May!! He was running through the play room, slipped on a coloring book and twisted his leg weird. They had to put him in a spica cast in order for his leg to heal. Needless to say it was one heck of a month. I am very proud of my baby though- he did way better than I expected. I mean honestly can you even begin to imagine a two year old all cooped up with no place to go. Thank God my child loves TV. But I tell you one thing, I definitely experienced the concept of when it rains it pours. All this happened the weekend before my last final for nursing school in which I had been procrastinating on studying cuz I thought ' I have all weekend to cram' NOT!!!! I drove back to MS Friday the 30th and got there early early May 1st! Spent the whole weekend taking care of my baby and poor husband who was upset about the whole accident! Went back to GA Sunday and took my test that Monday!! I will tell you I think I learned lots of life lessons in one weekend then I learned in the last whole year. It has been a very difficult month for us as a family. I think Bud and I were on the verge of killing each other as well as JD about to go stir crazy! Bud and I were able to go on our cruise that we had had scheduled before JD got hurt. Thanks to my awesome sis-in-law who took JD for that week!! Bud and I definitely needed a break from life and to celebrate him coming home from Iraq and me graduating Nursing school!!
JD got his cast off this past Saturday- the 29th!! He was scheduled to get it off June 3rd but we could NOT stand the stench any longer. The poor baby smelled so bad that neither Bud nor I could stand being around him. Had to go to the ER to remove it but HEY it is gone!! It was a horrible experience. JD screamed and screamed because the saw was so loud. Buddy was helping the doctor remove it with his strong muscles!! ha. I think Daddy was wanting that thing off more than JD was! Now we are just trying to help JD learn how to walk again. He is doing way better than we thought.
Memorial weekend- Saturday- we took JD swimming to try and strengthen his legs some- NOT a good idea. He screamed the WHOLE time he was in the pool so we let him set on the side and watch. However, Sunday we went to a get together with some friends and went swimming again. This time Amy and I let JD just warm up to the pool and he eventually got in by himself and walked up and down the steps. He is such an independent lil guy! Had to do it all himself. Then finally Monday Bud and I took JD to the NOLA zoo to celebrate his cast coming off. I absolutely love the age group JD is in right now. They get SO excited about every little thing and it makes you feel like you are the best mommy ever for making him so happy!! We had a great time at the zoo with just our lil family!
Well, that is about all that is happenin in the Kelleys' resident. We do have a few things that you can keep in your thoughts and prayers for us. June is going to be a crazy month for us. Buddy will be gone for about 2-1/2 weeks for military training and I take my boards for nursing June 30th!!! Also Buddy is definitely pursuing his calling to chaplaincy in the army- where that is going to lead us we have no clue but he is starting school again in the Fall to get his masters!! I am so happy for him bc I definitely see the joy in his eyes as he gets back into the ministry that he has been out of for the past 2 years!
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