Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Surprises are the best Blessings!!

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

I absolutely love how God works in our lives! This verse has constantly been played over and over again in my head and my heart this season in my life.  And it is fun to look back and think about the different emotions I had when this verse was relayed in my mind.  I remember times of worry and stress that I had to be reminded that God has it all taken care of and now I remember this verse with a lil hint of a smile on my face and thinking yeah God I know you told me so! ha
So why in the world is this verse so dear to my heart right now- well it has been a stressful season in the Kelleys world and here is why...

Yes Yes! I know this is a blessing and it definitely is to Buddy and I! No baby is a mistake but they can be a surprise!! We were not ready to be pregnant with our second child.  I had been stressing and stressing trying to find a nursing job and felt like everywhere I turned it was a dead end. Then we find out we are preggers and worry and anxiety hit the fan! I kept searching for a job but then realized that I had to have a deadline as to when the job hunting would stop due to the progression of pregnancy.  And this verse just popped in my head one day and gave me a peace of mind! And of course He came through right when the deadline of getting a job was coming up.

So YAY!!! We are definitely excited and blessed to have baby Kelley#2 in our lives! We are secretly hoping and wishing for a girl but if a boy comes along that will be just as fine as well! We are so very thankful for the miracles God gives us everyday in our lives even when they are just surprises and not planned!!!  Because Surprises are the BEST blessings ever!!!


  1. oh my goodness... i miss you. and missed your birthday. crappy friend. talk soon!

  2. So exciting! It's funny you mention that verse because when we got pregnant literally WEEKS after we got married, I had to keep quoting that Scripture to myself. Surprises definitely are blessings!

    P.S. I'm really glad I found your blog! I sent you a completely rando FB message a long time ago, because you SO seemed like someone who would have a blog, but I didn't know. HA!
