Saturday, January 30, 2010

Deployment.. coming to an end.

FINALLY... The time has come....

I can not even begin to explain all the feelings that have been present this past year. Buddy's deployment has probably been one of the most challenging times for us as a couple and family. However it has been the most rewarding. I personally have been through so much while Buddy has been a way and it has of course made me a stronger independent woman. I love the things I have learned and I love that I can manage without being dependent on someone but with all honesty I am so ready to be dependent on my husband again. I am ready to have the man of the house back home to where our family can be one unit again- or actually start our unit. Buddy comes home March 4th and we are so anxious and ready for it to be here. Lots and lots of new things are going on in our lives these next few month. We are so excited about them but nervous and worried all the same. Buddy will be coming home looking for a job in MS which will keep us apart for a couple more months, Joshua is gonna go stay with his dadee for about a month until I get done with school and can move to MS with them. And then I have my big nursing exam (NCLEX) to get ready for and pass so I can find a job!! WHEW- see lots going on. It will all work out- we have faith that it will and that it will all probably go better than we ever anticipated this new change to go. Right now we are just focused on getting our family back together. I can't wait to see how much Joshua is going to change with having his daddy around. He adores Buddy so much and I know that he is going to be attached to him- which Buddy is not going to mind at all.
I will try my hardest to update from time to time even if no one reads it- ha!

1 comment:

  1. i'm readingggggggggggg. keep writing! :) love you. so good catching up the other night!!
